Silens Acustica > INICIO 01


At dawn on the 13th the Carnatic entered the port of Yokohama. This is an important port of call in the Pacific, where all the

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Carrying travellers

Important port of call in the Pacific, where all the mail-steamers, and those carrying travellers between

Crowd of ships

Important port of call in the Pacific, where all the mail-steamers, and those carrying travellers between

Japanese Empire

Important port of call in the Pacific, where all the mail-steamers, and those carrying travellers between

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This is an important port of call in the Pacific, where all the mail-steamers, and those carrying travellers between North America, China, Japan, and
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At dawn on the 13th the Carnatic entered the port of Yokohama.  This is an important port of call in the Pacific, where all the mail-steamers, and those carrying travellers between

The Japanese Empire, and the residence of the Tycoon, the civil Emperor, before the Mikado, the spiritual Emperor, absorbed his office in his own.  The Carnatic anchored at the quay near the custom-house, in the midst of a crowd of ships bearing the flags of all nations. Passepartout went timidly ashore on this so curious
Passepartout went timidly ashore on this so curious territory of the Sons of the Sun.  He had nothing better to do than, taking chance for his guide, to wander aimlessly through the streets of Yokohama.  He found himself at first in a thoroughly European quarter, the houses having low fronts, and being adorned with